Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Velvet Art

Today's activity had to be something we could leave and return to finish later. We had a few plans in the afternoon, and had some activities in the morning. So I picked a few activities out of the bucket, and then let A2 pick one. She chose Velvet Art!
I picked these up around Christmas Time, and needed a few more. It can be difficult finding 7 of these activities, to fit each child's needs. However I finally got enough, it was A12 I was having the hardest time with. He is a boy!! The Tiger on the top is the one I found for him. I took that picture, to show everyone even a 12 year old boy can do velvet art!

I pick up things like this when I see them, and when I have enough for everyone, I add it to our FuNNeR TiMe! Bucket. I wanted to emphasize, FuNNeR TiMe can be done even when you are busy. You might just need to pick and chose the activity that day, and not do any activity chosen.
Here's to a FuNNeR TiMe!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bubble Painting FuN!

Today's FuNNeR TiMe! Activity was
Bubble Painting...
To do this activity you need a bowl with a straw. To it you will add 1/4C dish washing soap. Then add water SLOWLY you want to make the least amount of bubbles as you can. We filled ours until it was about 1 inch from the rim. Then add paint. Stir carefully to not make bubbles. Now you put your straw in the bowl, and blow. After you get tons of bubbles, place a sturdy paper (we used cardstock) on top of the bubbles. When they dry (or sometimes in our case, when they were blown off!) they will leave a bubble shape in that color. Try not to suck! A5 drank a little. She seems to be fine, but sure didn't enjoy that part of the activity. I read online that you can use food coloring instead of paint. We tried, it didn't work. If anyone has ever done this, please let me know. It sure would be better to drink food coloring instead of paint!

Here's some pictures of my 7 blessing bubble painting!
Okay so A2 was napping, and A1 was...well trying to paint!

Here's to some FuNNeR TiMeS!!!!!