I picked these up around Christmas Time, and needed a few more. It can be difficult finding 7 of these activities, to fit each child's needs. However I finally got enough, it was A12 I was having the hardest time with. He is a boy!! The Tiger on the top is the one I found for him. I took that picture, to show everyone even a 12 year old boy can do velvet art!
I pick up things like this when I see them, and when I have enough for everyone, I add it to our FuNNeR TiMe! Bucket. I wanted to emphasize, FuNNeR TiMe can be done even when you are busy. You might just need to pick and chose the activity that day, and not do any activity chosen.
Here's to a FuNNeR TiMe!!!
Here's to a FuNNeR TiMe!!!